
Located on the Northacre Industrial Estate on Stephenson Road, the plant will be located between Hills’ existing Northacre Resource Recovery Centre (waste treatment plant) and Arla Foods Westbury Dairies. Access to the site will be from Stephenson Road, which links via the B3097 to the A350.

Our updated plans

There is very little visual difference between the consented proposals from 2019 and our revised proposals. The building volumes and footprint are comparable, with no increase in stack height whilst the tallest building has increased slightly.

The tonnage has increased to 243,000 tonnes per year whilst maintaining the same footprint and building volume. Whilst there is an increase in throughput tonnage and HGV numbers, the comparison of daily traffic flows shows no significant changes arising from the development, with the increases in general traffic on local roads all well below 1% and specifically less than 0.1% on the A350. Such changes in traffic levels are imperceptible.