What are the benefits of the proposals?

The Northacre facility will generate low carbon energy from residual waste that would otherwise either be sent to landfill or exported to Europe for energy recovery outside of the UK.

Government strategy recognises that energy from waste is preferable to landfill in the waste hierarchy and that the export of waste-derived fuel does not contribute to UK energy targets and is effectively a lost resource to the UK.

The Northacre facility would represent a £200 million capital investment in Wiltshire.

Once operational, the Northacre facility will support 40 permanent, skilled jobs. During the construction phase, at peak activity, there will circa 450 construction workers employed.

The capital and annual on-going annual investment will result in local economic benefits.

The Northacre facility will include electric vehicle charging stations to support the transition to electric vehicles in Westbury for staff, suppliers and visitors. This reflects our fundamental commitment as a business to mitigating climate change.

In addition, the electricity generated will boost the local electricity supply network, unlocking development on the surrounding employment zone on Northacre Industrial Estate and nearby Hawke Ridge Business Park.